It just makes me so angry that we believe we are the modern man and so much more advanced than previous generations! How arrogant! There were so many great civilizations that eventually fell and with that fall much of their knowledge and advancement was lost. Because periods of greatness were typically followed by ones of darkness, we assume that we are more advanced than previous societies. Another problem with our viewpoint is that we look at societies from a biased point of view-what we consider advanced (computerized systems) and ethical.
I'm not arguing that we are or aren't living in the most advanced age. I'm simply saying that we are cocky to believe that this is obviously the most advanced society! Try to leave some room in your minds that others might have discovered things that we are just re-discovering or have yet to discover again. Watch some documentaries about the history and technology of ancient societies, not just the Greeks and Romans. You might find that you need to leave a lot more room in your mind for future revelations of these societies.
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