Sunday, April 12, 2009

Update on Andy

Andy is still crazy busy with school and work.  I've told him that for this semester he's a full time employee, full time student (not with the hours, but he isn't getting credit for his research time this semester...he'll get it later), no time husband...on good days I can laugh about that.  I think that the hardest part of that is that even when he comes home we both know that he has a lot of work that he needs to do.  So, we don't usually get anytime together without that pressure.  I try to place as few demand as possible on him right now.  I have been really spoiled this week; for three days in a row I've spent time with him!  I got a massage on Thursday, ate dinner with his family on Friday, and visited my mother on Saturday.

Lockheed Martin Aeronautics Company is sending Andy to South Dakota for some training at the end of April.  This will be another certification to add to his resume.  He's hoping to continue to further his education.

He's going to take a class over the summer and one class in the fall.  He'll get to be a full time employee, part time student, part time husband for a few months....yea!!  We're hoping that all of his research work this semester will mean that he won't have to go to UTA very often.  His classes will be online, and he can do a lot of research at home.  I'm sure that it is wishful thinking, but I'm hoping that he will only have to actually travel to UTA once a month.  That would cut off a lot of travel time!!  It would also mean that he would be home almost every night!

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