On our way home, Andy drove in this beautiful weather. We could see the storm clouds off to the west but couldn't tell exactly where the rain was coming down. As we got west of Fort Worth, somewhere around Willow Park, the sky got a little darker, and a few enormous rain drops landed on the windshield. We were surprised how loud they were when making contact with the car. As we commented on this to each other, Andy points out that it sounds so loud because it is rain mixed with hail. Within a few seconds, we were driving through a serious hail storm. The road was covered in hail; everyone was stepping on their breaks. We couldn't tell how large the hail was because it was coming down so hard, but it sounded like the car was under assault. We put our hands up to the roof and were amazed how much of the impact we could feel. I HATE having dings or damage of any kind to My car (True, Andy drives it all of the time, but I still consider it mine and the truck his). I've lived with this enormous dent at the back of the driver's side but always feel a little ghetto when I see it. I don't particularly care when the car is dirty, but the dings and dents drive me crazy. (Yep, I'm weird...who doesn't have their quarks though (please no physics comments)...I just happen to have a lot of them)
Anyway, back to the story. We make it home, and promptly check the car for any damage from the hail. Thankfully, there is none!! To say the least I am very excited. I even pet the car and told it what a good car it is. When we open the door to go inside the house, the car is right there. I hadn't thought about the animals, but they don't like the storms. So, I loved on the cat some, and then I noticed that the dog wasn't on his bed. I thought wow, that must have sounded awful for him to be hiding somewhere. I was a little slow; the dog always greets us at the door. I asked Andy where Bandit was...yep, he was outside the WHOLE time we were gone!! There wasn't anywhere for him to take cover other than a small little table. We don't know if it hailed at our house or not, but I felt like an awful pet owner!! We dried him off, loved on him, and gave him some treats. If he had to stay outside in a hail storm, we have a lot more to do to make up for the trauma.
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