Wednesday, April 8, 2009

Someone worth watching on American Idol

I haven't been a real American Idol fan and serious watcher for many many seasons. It seems like so many of the singers fit into the pop category and sound like (if not worse than) those already on the radio. However, one day when there wasn't anything on our limited television stations I resorted to watching American Idol. And I was introduced to Adam Lambert. If you haven't seen or heard him, look at American Idol's website You can scroll down a bit to choose which performance you want to watch. I've enjoyed all of the ones that are available on there, although "Ring of Fire" is the least popular of his.

He's got a funky voice and style. You never know what to expect when he walks out to perform because each performance has a different twist to it. He is one of the few Idols who has been able to take a well known song and make it his own; you get lost in his version rather than thinking about what you are used to singing along with. He truly brings some artistry to his performances rather than a polished version of karaoke. I don't really understand why people are saying that he even has any competition. Personally, I'd be happy if they took his performances from the show and put them out as an album, and I look forward to hearing what he is going to do in the future.

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