Thursday, April 30, 2009

Thrifty Thursday

I've been meaning to put this up for several weeks but kept forgetting when I had the laptop.  We have always tried to be more eco-friendly and save more money when we buy our printer ink.  We would buy the off brands and the ones where the cartridges had been recycled.  The last time we needed to buy ink, I saw in an Office Depot ad that you could take your ink cartridge to them to be refilled for about $10 (I think).  I was really excited about this even more eco and budget friendly.  So, I told Andy that we needed to do this the next time we were going to be close to one of these stores.  We didn't ever make it there though.  A few weeks later, Andy looked at the ink cartridges at Wal-Mart.  He bought for under $10 a refill kit.  When he looked at how much ink could go in the cartridge, he figured out that this one refill kit should fill up the cartridge about three times!!  They have these refill kits for black and color cartridges.  I don't know if Wal-Mart carries Nukote refill kits at all of their stores, but hopefully this will help someone else save the kind of money that we are.

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