Tuesday, July 14, 2009

Doing Dishes rather than Playing with Pictures

After watching Cari do all kinds of cool tricks on Photoshop, I was excited to try it out on some of the pictures that we have.  If you've been reading you understand that there might not be many of those, but I was going to pull some out of the archive.  I knew that we had Photoshop on our laptop; I had looked at it a handful of times without really using it.  Feeling so inspired, I even read some other blog postings about more cool stuff you can do with the software.  While neat, I felt overwhelmed with all of the things that I was reading.  I figured that I needed to get my hands dirty with it; that's really the only way to learn any new software in my opinion.  So, I pull up a picture that I want to play with, right click to chose which program to open it in, and select Photoshop Create.  The only problem with this was that it wasn't Photoshop but Photosmart Create - TOTALLY not the same thing!  Now, I'm bummed that I can't so some of the cool basic stuff.  I was always realistic that I probably wouldn't be making these mind blowing pictures (my pictures are better than they use to be but don't have the potential for mind blowing).  So, there is the part of me that says oh well, you didn't really have any pictures to work on anyway.  But dang I hate the teasing; I have to drop too much from the anticipation.  On the upside, I won't waste hours tonight playing with Photoshop...haha...I guess I will finish washing the dishes before going to bed.

1 comment:

Cari said...

ha, ha, ha. Glad I could inspire. You can get Photoshop Elements for under or close to $100 if you search...I also hear as cheap at $50 if you are a student through UTA. You might just know a student who could get you a copy.