Monday, August 9, 2010


Andy's cousin Emily came over for a few days to help me make him some soups. I like to make a whole bunch at once so that I am able to use up all of the ingredients like carrots, celery, green onions, and herbs. I had how I only need one of two of them for a recipe and the rest go to waste. Even when I plan really carefully for the weeks meals, we aren't able to finish off the rest of the stuff. So, I make a whole bunch of soups to use up most of the leftover vegetables. I hope that sometime in the next year I will be able to find a used upright freezer for under $200 so that I don't have to play tetris when I get something from or put something in the freezer. After a week's worth of cooking and many games of tetris, he has a freezer full of soups that should last him several months. This variety should keep him happy.

Carrot Soup
Blueberry Lemonade Soup
Zucchini-Potato Soup
Creamy Cucumber Soup
Tomato & Bread Soup
Delicious Sausage Soup
Hearty Bean & Vegetable Soup
Chilled Avocado & Mint Soup

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