Tuesday, January 12, 2010

December - lead up to Christmas

We were back home from North Carolina, and there was more of Mother's stuff to deal with. We had to bring some stuff back with us from Meg's and of course there was everything that we hadn't taken. As I type this most of it is still left to deal with...one project at a time...

Of course, I had missed a few things that Meg wanted us to take to North Carolina with us. So, I mailed that off. Then, it was on to Christmas planning. I had a great surprise for Andy for Christmas. He wanted to hear wonderful music, and I knew that he would love to go dancing.

My plan was to find a fabulous dress so that I had a great outfit for New Year's Eve. His present was finding out that we were going dancing on New Year's Eve and the next day; then, we would go to a reenactment of a medieval Christmas celebration. I finally found the great dress and accessories after many shopping trips.

I also tutored during this time. It was great to have the additional income and someone to help. I also found some new soups for Andy; so it was great to restock the reserves in the freezer!

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