We were snowed and iced in for Christmas. On Christmas Eve, we sat on our love seat watching Christmas movies on the TV and the snow come down outside our windows. It was amazing to see how large the flakes were and how much snow kept coming down. We really enjoyed having a slow, relaxing time together that evening.

Much of the holiday was spent at Andy's parents' ranch. We worked on lots of projects, spent time with family, and help take down Christmas decorations. We also made a trip up to Lewisville to see my mother. We made it a short visit as she had just gotten into bed.
Andy was thrilled with his presents. We were both very excited about going dancing on New Year's Eve to celebrate our fourth anniversary. We both looked fabulous as we headed off to eat a little bit of dinner before the dance. Everything went well until Andy went forward with his right foot and I went back with my right foot. The result was one of my toenails being lifted up. We didn't investigate how bad the injury was for fear of making it worse. So, we headed home early; my toe has been bandaged since.

We took this picture soon after my toe was injured and right before we walked out the door of the dance to go home. Fortunately, the adrenaline was running high enough that I wasn't feeling too much pain....that would come later.
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