Monday, April 13, 2015

Gettin Busy

We are making more progress; most of it gets done on Andy's 3 day weekends (he has every other Friday off). We also had a little help from a stomach bug this past week.  Since he needed to stay home Tuesday and Wednesday, he went ahead and took Thursday off since it was an off Friday.  It made for a bit of a Spring break.  And we are in the third trimester...

Have the exterior of the house painted + frame windows + add trim along bottom of house, around garage doors, porch + break up two concrete slabs
Remove Debris Pile
Replace Powder Room Lights
Finish Baseboards Downstairs - install, spackle, caulk, paint (might as well do the doors too), add plinth blocks
           Living Room
           Breakfast Nook (spackle - in progress)
           Foyer (install - in progress)
           Dining Room (install - in progress)
           Sitting Room (spackle - in progress)
Build in Living Room Bookcases
Install Flooring Transition Pieces
Fix Kitchen Tile (in progress)
Seal Kitchen Countertops
Move Crib & Room Arrangement
Caulk Master Bathroom Shower
Replace Master Bathroom Toilet
Planting - strawberries, tomatoes, herbs
LOTS of Weedeating (in progress - although there will be several rounds)
Turn over Compost (in progress) & Spread Mulch
Install Playground - grind down tree stumps, taller garden wall, level ground, mulch, put together swingset

Naturally, there are several additions to the list.  I really want to add on some rather outrageous things because I am clearly nesting, but painting the fence around the property isn't really feasible by myself right now and adding a patio at the back of the house is a bit out of the budget.  And don't get chickens, goats, cute kitty cats, or sweet puppy dogs; I'm kind of a sucker right now....

Replace light bulbs all over the house; we have about 10 that are burnt out (in progress)
Send off updated pictures to family member
Deal with life insurance stuff (in progress)
Spring clean - kitchen drawers, cobwebs, fans
Set up watering system
Fertilize the trees
Pay off credit card balance during promotional period
Get quotes for new roof (in progress)
Find changing table (make due with table)
Wash baby gear
Update family notebook - bills, restaurants, basic info, etc
Try out new babysitter
Arrangements for Addie's care when in labor
Find a church
Organize Office
Move some furniture around

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