Friday, June 3, 2011

THE MOVE (part 3)

Andy worked magic this morning getting the stuff back into the car. However, there were are few hiccups along the way. He was supposed to stop in Pecos for us to have lunch. I was buried in a book, looked up to ask about how close we were to lunch, and he told me that we passed through Peocs 30 minutes ago. Oops! Thankfully, we still had Van Horn before the long way to El Paso. I was very happy for us to have some lunch and thought things were proceeding smoothly until he slowed down and pulled off to the side of the road. At first, I thought something was wrong with the car, but we were being pulled over by a police man. He was very nice and only gave us a warning for going 88 in an 80 mph stretch. After a some construction and traffic in El Paso, we made it to Las Cruces. We were able to meet up with my great-aunt on my father's side and some of her family. It was a lovely dinner and visit! We feel quite a bit more tired this evening than yesterday so we off to bed early (we've crossed into Mountain Standard Time).

1 comment:

Nelson Skinner said...

I am glad you got to have dinner with Uncle Clint and Aunt Sylvia. I'll bet they were absolutely thrilled. Love, Daddy