Wednesday, December 24, 2008

Early Christmas with the Walkers & Fritts

We had Christmas with Andy's parents (Jimmy & MaryBeth) and sister's family (Cici, Logan, and Maddy) the Friday before Christmas because the Fritts family will be in Tennessee for Christmas.  Maddy had the most presents under the tree, but she was a tired little girl and rather unimpressed by her loot.  The rest of us were quite excited for her though! I was especially excited for Maddy with Cici's help to open her fleece tie blanket.  It swallows her now, but it gives her room to grow and explore.  (Cici, I hope that it stops shedding after you wash it; the lady at the fabric store said that it would.  I pre-washed the fabric, but didn't have time to wash and dry after making it - SORRY!)

Jimmy & MaryBeth gave Maddy many toys and clothes.  Here she is seriously studying one of her new dolls.  The princess doll has a little green frog attached; you can see one of its eyes right above her arm.  The ladies in the family have made sure that Maddy has plenty of TCU/frog clothing and toys to indoctrinate her from an early age.

One of the most memorable moments was watching Maddy play with a Tigger toy that Jimmy & MaryBeth gave her.  If you press Tigger's tail, he talks and vibrates.  At first she was not sure what to make of this toy, but she grabbed hold of his face to investigate this unknown thing more.  Maddy would grab hold of Tigger's nose, Cici would press Tigger's tail, and Maddy and Tigger would both vibrate.  Maddy quickly caught on to how to make the vibrating happen; she soon was grabbing Tigger's tail on her own.  She provided her own entertainment and unbeknownst to her, provided ours as well!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

These pictures are great. Maddy loves her blanket. It took a couple of washes to get the fuzz out, but it's great now. Thanks so much! We miss you guys already!