Tuesday, March 31, 2015

To-do list after a few weeks of work

We've made a little bit of progress on our list.

Have the exterior of the house painted + frame windows + add trim along bottom of house, around garage doors, porch + break up two concrete slabs
Remove Debris Pile
Replace Powder Room Lights
Finish Baseboards Downstairs - install (in progress), caulk, paint
           Living Room, Breakfast Nook (in progress), Foyer, Dining Room, Sitting Room
Build in Living Room Bookcases
Install Flooring Transition Pieces
Fix Kitchen Tile
Seal Kitchen Countertops
Move Crib & Room Arrangement
Caulk Master Bathroom Shower
Replace Master Bathroom Toilet
Planting - strawberries, tomatoes, herbs
LOTS of Weedeating (in progress - although there will be several rounds)
Turn over Compost (in progress)Spread Mulch
Install Playground - grind down tree stumps, taller garden wall, level ground, mulch, put together swingset

Wednesday, March 25, 2015

To-Do List before baby is born

So, we had a short list of goals for our New Year's letter.  I added one or two things for the baby to-do list.  Then, Andy made his list; it feels so much more ambitious than what we had.  Maybe our new list is simply more detailed.  Anyway, this is getting posted here so that Andy can have it for reference.

Have the exterior of the house painted + frame windows + add trim along bottom of house, around garage doors, porch + break up two concrete slabs
Remove Debris Pile
Replace Powder Room Lights
Finish Baseboards Downstairs - install, caulk, paint
Build in Living Room Bookcases
Install Flooring Transition Pieces
Fix Kitchen Tile
Seal Kitchen Countertops
Move Crib & Room Arrangement
Caulk Master Bathroom Shower
Replace Master Bathroom Toilet
Planting - strawberries, tomatoes, herbs
LOTS of Weedeating
Turn over Compost & Spread Mulch
Install Playground - grind down tree stumps, taller garden wall, level ground, mulch, put together swingset