Monday, September 16, 2013

Trip to Texas Summer 2013

us at my father's office

great uncle Bill playing with Addie

Grandpa and Addie cooking

Andy & Addie with the horned frog at the ranch

Nanny and Addie meet

meeting Granny & Grandad (great grandparents) and cousin Ruby

meeting great uncle Rob

meeting great aunt Jacobina and great uncle Bill

meeting cousin Ainsley

playing with Marme (bummer Jimbo didn't make it in the picture)

hanging out with Grandma Margaret

Addie's monthly pictures

8 months

9 months

10 months

11 months

This summer

We've been really busy this summer doing projects, visiting Texas, working on research, and keeping Addie occupied.

Check that off the list
I did most of the weed clearance this year (thankfully before it was too hot).
We set up three automatic watering systems to cover all of our trees before we headed to Texas for two weeks.  All of our trees have been having issues so we were afraid that without water they would be dead by the time we got home.
Andy set up some large compost bins against the barn so that our leaves and weeds can break down there rather than all over the property.  Yea, only some of the leaves and weeds have made it in there so far.  And yes all of the watering of the trees means that I have more weeds to go pull....I'm working on it but I can only do so many things in a day...
We a new dining table that can seat 10 people so that we can enjoy having other out.  So we had to move furniture all around.
We put some pictures up on the walls.  WOO HOO! It's about time; it only took two years.  I should be honest here - there are pictures hung in one room and several others leaning against walls (where they will go) waiting to be hung...yeah, I know, baby steps people.
I ripped wall paper trim off the powder room walls.  (Actually, I did this during the Spring, but I sure am feeling good about this list so I'll throw it in.)
Painted the stairs because I couldn't stand how "construction zone" they made the house feel one moment longer and it'll still be a while before Andy can work on the final version of them.
I'm in the process of painting the porch railing which basically means a lot of scraping, puttying, and sanding before I can paint.

Flew to Texas
We went in July to visit all of the family and celebrate Andy's grandparents' 60th wedding anniversary. We flew into DFW, had a party out at the ranch for lots of people to meet Addie, went to San Antonio to see family, stopped in Austin to visit my friend Amy on our way back north, moved some furniture (which still needs to be shipped out here), prepped for the anniversary party, had the party, flew back to LAX, came home, grocery shopped, did laundry, and then about died from whatever I caught while in TX.  About three weeks later I rejoined the world of the living and have been on a tear since because there isn't much time left before it's cold outside.  I'll put picks up later from this trip.

Addie is totally cruising around now.  She can stand by herself but not walk without holding on to something.  She still loves food but now feeds herself.  She has a big girl sippie cup with a straw and no handles (this still gives her a little difficulty).  Occasionally, we hear something like dada or mumu. She still has no teeth poking out.  She is tall enough now that we have to say goodbye to the infant carseat; we have been using the full size one in the truck until now.

Andy is still working on his research and thesis.  He thinks he will be able to send off the first draft of his thesis to his advisor next month.

Monday, May 13, 2013

Baby Food Recipes

I'm so glad that I found Smitten Kitten's Baby website.  The author didn't have many posts, but I love most of what she has put up.
Spinach and White Yams (Andy finds this good as a pasta and pizza sauce.)
Applesauce (The whole family loves this!)
Balsamic Pears with Vanilla (The whole family loves this!)
Carrots + Corriander or Orange Juice

Minty Peas with Orange Juice
buy (when $1 per bag) bag of peas that cook in the bag in the microwave
put in blender or food processor; add water, 4 mint leaves, 1-2 oz of OJ; process

Sweet Potato and Apple (adapted from Real Simple soup recipe)
steam peeled and chopped apple in water while sweet potatoes cook in oven
add cooled sweet potato flesh to pot
cook for a while; cool if desire

Looking forward to trying these
Peaches with Nutmeg
Morracon-ish Carrots and Yams

Tuesday, March 5, 2013

She likes pears

She's been very attentive when we eat around her lately so we thought we'd let her try some food.  She definitely liked the experience!

5 months old

grown out of practically all 6 month clothes
in 9 month clothes
12 month clothes are just a little big

4 months old

 95th percentile head circumference
25.25 inches long
14 something pounds

Friday, January 11, 2013

Christmas 2012

Christmas Eve

These are from Christmas Day.  We were all in our Christmas pjs until Addie spit up all over hers; her outfit in the picture with Andy was the second or third of the day.

Andy built her a cabin with her Lincoln logs from Santa.  It might be a while before she can play with them, but Andy sure had a good time making the cabin for her to knock down.  However the cabin was too sound structurally...surprise...

Fun pictures

3 months old

many times I saw this - sometimes she was awake, others not

2 months - played hard

first family photo

coming home from the hospital

2 weeks - kisses

2 weeks - sweet sleep

content on Daddy's shoulder

Pictures for Grandparents

This was our present to the grandparents.  I thought that they would have fun trying to figure out which features she gets from each of us.

Andy - 2 yrs old
Mary - 3 yrs old
Adele - 2.5 months old

"New Year's Eve" dance

 These are pictures from our anniversary celebration.

Cicada Club

us in an old telephone booth at the club

2013 New Year's letter

As usual, you can tell who wrote what part of the letter:
Mary - all of the basics and details
Andy - funny little quips, intro, and conclusion.
I can't tell a story to save my life so I tend to leave the story telling to Andy, but he's been a little busy so I tried to cut down the amount he had to do.  But if I'd sent the letter with only what I had written, it would have been incredibly dry and boring.  It is so much better with his extra bits; hopefully y'all enjoy them as much as I did.

Hi all,

2012, like 2011, flew by. Last year, we moved to California and bought a house.  Much of this year revolved around renovating the house and having a baby.  As it has been noted before, the more you have going on in life, the quicker the year seems to pass.  Thank God for video-chats on Skype & FaceTime so that we can keep up with everyone we know spread throughout the nation.

We’ve made a lot of changes to the house this year – some planned, others not.  We started the year shivering in a few rooms that were closed up by plastic and curtains as Andy tore up a majority of the tile floor in our house.  This was in preparation for the new flooring to be installed throughout the house in March. About one month later, we had a cracked pipe in our upstairs bathroom that required a new shower and essentially a new kitchen.  We’ve painted almost all of the interior and can park our vehicles in the garage because the garage doors now work...woo hoo!  We ended the year toasty warm with a new pellet stove.

The big news of the year is that we had a baby.  We found out we were pregnant in February.  While Andy was excited, Mary promptly freaked out.  Thankfully, there weren’t any problems with the pregnancy or Mary’s pre-existing conditions for most of the pregnancy.  We enjoyed our Babymoon in Carmel at the end of July. Then we got busy putting the house back together from the kitchen and bathroom renovations and setting up furniture for when the baby was born.  Caroline Adele Walker was born on October 4th at 5:41pm; she weighed 7 lbs 14 oz and was 19 inches long.  We call her Adele or Addie.  No, she is not named after Adele the singer; Caroline, Adele, and Addie are all family names.  We look forward to sharing pictures and stories with her of the women after whom she is named.  Addie has grown lots in her three months of life.  She is now about 13 lbs and loves smiling and making noises at us.  Her favorite place to play is on her mat/gym with a whale, an octopus, and a giraffe that hang above her.  She bats at them and kicks the whole structure so that they move all around. 

Addie met her Auntie Meg (Mary’s sister) at the beginning of November; Meg gave us lots of information about dairy-free dieting so that Addie wouldn’t have as many issues with keeping her food down, gas, and an unhappy bottom.  Both sets of grandparents were able to come out to California to meet Adele.  It was a very special time for everyone to be able to interact with her.  Logan and Cici (Andy’s sister) got to meet the baby in utero about a month before she was born, since they stopped by while out west for a wedding.

We are very pleased that our dog, Bandit, doesn’t seem to have any problems with Addie.  Sometimes he wants to sniff her; I imagine that is usually when he happens to walk by and she has a dirty diaper.  Now that she is more vocal, he occasionally cocks his head at her trying to figure out what all of the noise is about.

Andy has many hilarious stories of middle of the night feedings or diaper changes.  One involves him mistaking a pillow for the baby at 2am, and trying in earnest to change itsdiaper.  Another time, he brought the baby to bed mid-diaper change… with no diaper on!!!  Suffice it to say that she messed in our sheets a bit…but it was nothing that couldn’t be washed out.

Mary’s mother, Charlotte LeAnn Rodgers, passed away on October 16th. It was a blessing for her to be released from the pain and confusion related to Alzheimer’s disease. She donated her body to science for further research of the disease andtreatments she underwent while alive.  We think that LeAnn was able to have at least one moment when she comprehended that Addie had been born before she died.

Andy has continued to enjoy his work here in California.  We really appreciate the flexibility that the company allows him. When Addie was born, he was able to take two full weeks off and work two additional weeks at only half-time.  He has continued to make progress on his Master’s degree.  He is enrolling in his last class this Spring; then, he has to write his thesis.

We are anxiously awaiting several new babies in 2013.  Both of our sisters are pregnant so by the end of April, we will have eight nieces and nephews.  We plan to make at least one trip back to Texas this year.  Hopefully, we will make more progress on the house so that it is safer for Addie when she is crawling, running all around, and making a general mess of things.  Andy should be close to finishing his thesis up by the end of the year... then he’ll have even more time to chase the baby around.  Maybe, we’ll even manage to hang pictures on our walls (we’ve been that busy around here). 

We hope this year is one of happiness and hope for you.  Feel free to visit Mary’s blog for more stories & pictures about our family antics throughout the year at

Best Wishes for you & yours in 2013,
Andy, Mary, & AddieWalker


Here are some general lessons we learned in 2012.  We’d love to know if these lessons mean anything to you (good, bad, or indifferent):

1.    Ask for responsibility and it shall begranted.  People are looking for others to do work for them.
2.    Always handle the “safe side” of a used diaper.  Handling the “business side” has consequences.
3.    Get more sleep. You’ll be a happier camper for it.
4.    The clean diaper goes on before you hand the baby off.
5.    Deodorant goes on before the Baby Björn or any other baby carrier.
6.    Call the Employee Service Center to report a birth and get your health insurance changed. Don’t try to use an automated/online system.  The Internet doesn’t know how to have a baby.

2013 Goals

We hope to get more done on the house in 2013.  Addie will continue to grow; we need to make sure that the house will be safe for her as she learns to crawl and walk and get into more stuff around the house.  Of course time is somewhat limited due to Addie needing time and interaction and Andy continuing to work on his degree.  He will be taking his last class in the Spring semester and then finishing up his research and writing his thesis; we think he will defend his thesis at the end of the 2014 Spring semester.  So between these two time demanding activities, we hope to get the following things done:

1. Fix stairs (not handrail)
2. Install baseboards
3. Make downstairs bookcases built-ins
4. Paint Guest Bedroom and Powder Room
5. Sand and paint porch railing
6. Replace French doors
7. Finish baby proofing the house
8. Finish Adele's room
9. Hang curtains downstairs
10. Fix thresholds at all of the doors; they have drafts

I'm sure that we will add many more things to the list throughout the year, but these are the major things that we will try to tackle.  Some of these will probably even get put off to the following year as tends to happen.  There are plenty of times that we hope to do something but later decide that it doesn't bother us enough currently to warrant getting done because some other things is driving us bonkers.  Whatever, all progress is good!

Meeting Auntie Meg

This picture is from my sister's visit with us at the beginning of November.  She was able to give us suggestions of how to help Adele be a happier baby...use a pacifier for gas, dairy free diet for me, use a blanket for a burp cloth to catch all of the throw up so that you don't get covered with it, etc.  Since her stay overlapped with my birthday, I had special meals on my birthday; it was awesome!  Blueberry pancakes and bacon for breakfast...I don't remember what lunch was now...yummy steaks for dinner...strawberry shortcake for dessert...  Thanks for coming to visit!!!

Thursday, January 10, 2013

3 Months Old

While I think the above is a great picture, below is one of her smiling.  She is really difficult to catch smiling in a picture.  She becomes too interested in the camera or her reflection on the backside of my iPod.  This isn't one of her really big smiles, but it is proof that the child is happy and can smile.

The pictures were taking after a feeding.  We started in the red shirt; then she threw up so we went to the purple shirt.