Thursday, December 20, 2012

Meeting the grandparents - Part 1

My father and step-mother came out to visit the weekend before Thanksgiving so they could meet Adele. They asked to be Grandpa and Grandma.  I'm expanding that to Grandpa Willie (his name is Nelson; a friend affectionately refers to him as Willie) and Grandma Margaret (this is to deferentiate between her and my deceased mother Grandma LeAnn).  We'll see what Addie ends up calling them.  We had a great visit with them!  Here are a few pictures from there time here.

first meeting

second day with Grandpa & Grandma
They brought this outfit for Addie; it says baby's first Thanksgiving.

three generations

such a cute turkey!

Addie was done with pictures by this point!

No Santa visit

We decided not to visit Santa this year.  It was initially in our plan for December.  Once I started thinking about all of the kids (sick and well) who visit Santa at the mall, I realized that his suit has to be covered in germs!  While Adele has much stronger neck muscles now, she would still be snuggled into his suit and right up next to all of those germs.  So, we'll just make do with a family picture by our Christmas tree.  I'll put it up when we take it.

Einstein diaper

I forgot to post this several weeks ago.  Addie has grown a lot since I took this picture.  She's now 12-13 pounds and about 23 inches.

It says "I'm a genius" and has all sorts of math and science stuff on it. I figured if we were going to try out this type of diaper, we might as well get the fun print. We realize that she could very well rebel against our chosen disciplines so we're enjoying this while we can.