Sunday, November 30, 2008

Finals are coming

Oh boy, oh boy... finals are coming for my grad class.  So what am I doing, posting.  Yeah for procrastination.  My brain is swimming with cross products, Laplace transforms, and all that other stuff.  What fun... maybe has some obscure tv shows that I can watch before I hit the books again.   ~Andy

A New Beginning

So, after spending more time on the internet lately, I've been reading more blogs.  Then, at Thanksgiving, I found out that several family members already have blogs set up.  I truly felt as if I was lagging behind the technological times.  So, here we are on a Sunday evening, and I am attempting to join the masses.  Since we don't have any human children...and no, we are not the kind of pet owners who really think of and treat their animals as children...most of our posts will probably be about our pets and random thoughts.  For those of you who know Mary well, you're assuming that this blog will be almost entirely random, and you would be right.  As I, Mary, am writing this, you have some idea of what is in store.  Many of my posts will probably be disjointed and come from out of nowhere.  Andy on the other hand is a much better storyteller than I am; he will probably have the amusing posts.
We hope that you all enjoy a Window to the Walkers!